Healthy Dance Practice Certificate (HDPC)
- Safe In Dance International
- Zorg + Welzijn
- Scholen + Opleidingen
- Dansdocenten
Preparation for Healthy Dance Certificate (PHDC)
- Safe In Dance International
- Zorg + Welzijn
- Scholen + Opleidingen
- Dansdocenten, Dansers + Betrokkenen, Professionele dansers
Preparing to Dance – Online Course
- Safe In Dance International
- Zorg + Welzijn
- Scholen + Opleidingen
- Dansdocenten, Dansers + Betrokkenen, Professionele dansers
Creating Gender Inclusive Dance Spaces
- National Dance Education Organization
- Diversiteit + Inclusie
- Scholen + Opleidingen
- Dansdocenten
Developing Strategic Leadership in Dance and Life
- National Dance Education Organization
- Arbeidsvoorwaarden
- Scholen + Opleidingen
- Dansdocenten, Organisaties, Professionele dansers