
Things to Consider When Considering Touch

When Considering My Body. Boundaries. Consent. Touch. A Worksheet

What to do if you are harassed

Working with Consent

Modelprotocol (On)gewenste Omgangsvormen

Modelprotocol (Un)acceptable Behavior

Vertrouwenspersonen lijst


Regulatory Report on Graded Examinations for the Performing Arts

Graded exams in Music, Dance & Drama and the Educational Regulatory Landscape in the UK and Internationally

Rekentool: cao-loon naar zzp-tarief

Gender and Power Relations – MeToo in the Arts: From Call-outs to structural change

How to Accelerate Change in the Arts

Practical Vocabulary for Speaking Up

Speaking up Suggestions

Speaking up Script

Tips for Working with Dancers

On the European Stage: 2024-2029 Priorities for the live performance sector

Model Klokkenluidersregeling Musea

Manual for Combatting Sexual Harrasment

Harassment Toolkit: Communciation and Consent for a Harassment Free Workspace

Step Out, Out, Up – A Strategy for Confronting Harassing Language or Behavior in Rehearsal

Settling in the Netherlands as a self-employed artist

Practices of Care and Wellbeing in Contemporary Dance

De arbeidsmarktpositie van zzp’ers in de culturele en creatieve sector

Concerned about Abuse and Harassment on Tour? – Some Things to Think About.

Zelfevaluatie Scan

Tool: Omgaan met Grensoverschrijdend Gedrag

Radiantly burning out and stacking stones