Guidelines for Touch and Consent for Dance Companies
Dance Data Project - Intimacy Direction in Dance
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Theatrical Intimacy and Instructional Touch Policy
Department of Theatre - University of Maryland, Balitmore County
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Harassment Toolkit: Communciation and Consent for a Harassment Free Workspace
League of Independent Theater
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Step Out, Out, Up – A Strategy for Confronting Harassing Language or Behavior in Rehearsal
League of Independent Theater
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Working with Consent
Whistle While You Work
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Things to Consider When Considering Touch
Whistle While You Work
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When Considering My Body. Boundaries. Consent. Touch. A Worksheet
Whistle While You Work
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Handleiding en schema’s aanwerving kunstenaars en cultuurwerkers
Juist is Juist
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- Positie Dansers
- Cultuur
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Toolkit for Artists, Cultural Workers and Youth with Disabilities
National Endowment for the Arts
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- Positie Dansers
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Trans Inclusion Resource List for Professionals
One Dance UK
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- Positie Dansers
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Supporting and Understanding Safeguarding
One Dance UK
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- Sociale Veiligheid
- Scholen en opleidingen
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What to do if you are harassed
Whistle While You Work
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- Vertrouwens- advies- en meldpunten
- Cultuur
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Keeping Children Safe during clubs, tuition, and activities
UK National Government - Department for Education
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- Scholen en opleidingen
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Child Performer Toolkit
International Federation of Actors
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Suicide Ideation Signs, Symptoms, and Resources
Dance USA
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- Positie Dansers, Sociale Veiligheid
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Care Practices
Whistle While You Work
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- Positie Dansers, Sociale Veiligheid
- Cultuur
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Handleiding meldingen van seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag op de werkvloer
Regeringscommissariaat seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag en seksueel geweld.
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- Sociale Veiligheid
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Whistle While You Work – Manifest
Whistle While You Work
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- Sociale Veiligheid
- Cultuur
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