National Occupational Standards for Dance Leadership
People Dancing - The Foundations for Community Dance
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Contact with Consent – Online webinar
People Dancing - The Foundations for Community Dance
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- Iedereen
Regulatory Report on Graded Examinations for the Performing Arts
The Council for Dance, Drama and Musical Theater
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Graded exams in Music, Dance & Drama and the Educational Regulatory Landscape in the UK and Internationally
The Council for Dance, Drama and Musical Theater
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Radiantly burning out and stacking stones
Barbara Raes
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- Positie Dansers, Sociale Veiligheid
- Cultuur
- Professionele dansers
Handleiding gedragscode (on)gewenste omgangsvormen
Ministry van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid
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- Sociale Veiligheid
- Overkoepelend
- Werkgevers