Nederlandse Vereniging voor Dans- en Muziekgeneeskunde
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- NL
- Overkoepelend
- Docenten, Professionele dansers
European Dance Medicine Initiative
Continuing professional development courses for clinicians and practitioners working with dancers
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- EN
- Dansorganisaties
- Scholen en opleidingen
- Bestuurders/Toezichthouders, Docenten, Iedereen, Werkgevers
Developing a National Praxis Exam for Dance Education
National Dance Education Organization
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- EN
- Dansorganisaties
- Scholen en opleidingen
- Docenten
Research Priorities for Dance Education: A Report to the Nation
National Dance Education Organization
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- EN
- Dansorganisaties
- Scholen en opleidingen
- Docenten
Safe Guarding Adults Policy + Procedure
International Dance Teachers Association
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- EN
- Dansorganisaties
- Overkoepelend
- Docenten
Healthy Dance Certificates
Safe In Dance International
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- EN
- Dansorganisaties
- Scholen en opleidingen
- Docenten
Certification program for individuals, studios, and events for safeguarding for children
Youth Protection Association for Dance
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- EN
- Dansorganisaties
- Overkoepelend
- Docenten
How to spot abuse
Child Protection in Sport Unit - NSPCC
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- EN
- Sociale Veiligheid
- Sport
- Ouders of verzorgers
National Principles for Child Safe Organizations
Australian Human Rights Commission
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- EN
- Sociale Veiligheid
- Overkoepelend
- Docenten
Wat kun je als ouder of verzorger doen als bekend wordt dat je kind seksueel is misbruikt?
Centrum Seksueel Geweld
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- NL
- Sociale Veiligheid
- Overkoepelend
- Ouders of verzorgers
A Guide for New Dance Teachers
Keep Kids Safe in Dance
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- EN
- Dansorganisaties
- Overkoepelend
- Docenten
Safe Guarding Children Policy + Procedure
International Dance Teachers Association
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- EN
- Dansorganisaties
- Overkoepelend
- Docenten
Gedragscode voor Trainers/coaches en begeleiders
Centrum Veilige Sport Nederlands
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- NL
- Dansorganisaties
- Sport
- Docenten
Certificate in Dance Education
National Dance Education Organization
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- EN
- Dansorganisaties
- Overkoepelend
- Docenten
Standards for Dance in Early Childhood
National Dance Education Organization
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- EN
- Dansorganisaties
- Overkoepelend
- Docenten
Professional Teaching Standards for Dance Arts
National Dance Education Organization
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- EN
- Dansorganisaties
- Overkoepelend
- Docenten
Opportunity-to-Learn Standards for Dance
National Dance Education Organization
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- Dansorganisaties
- Overkoepelend
- Docenten
Preparing Students with Disabilities for Careers in the Arts – Toolkit for Arts Educators
National Endowment for the Arts
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- Dansorganisaties
- Overkoepelend
- Docenten
Understanding Sexual Offending and Grooming Entrapment Process
Child Protection in Sport Unit - NSPCC
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- EN
- Sociale Veiligheid
- Sport
- Docenten
Webinar: Understanding Sexual Offending and Grooming Entrapment Process
Child Protection in Sport Unit - NSPCC
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- EN
- Sociale Veiligheid
- Sport
- Docenten
How safe is your childs sports club?
Child Protection in Sport Unit - NSPCC
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- EN
- Sociale Veiligheid
- Sport
- Ouders of verzorgers
Safeguarding Plan Template
Child Protection in Sport Unit - NSPCC
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- EN
- Sociale Veiligheid
- Sport
- Docenten