Jozefien’s Story
In an interview series, we offer a behind-the-scenes look at the world of dance, where passion, ambitions, and challenge…

Candidates of the Follow-up Committee for Dance Announced: Public Reference Check Open
The Minister of Education, Culture and Science and the State Secretary of Health, Welfare and Sport have decided to set …

Introducing: Dutch Dance Sports
We are pleased to introduce the affiliated (umbrella) organizations that collaborate with Dans Veilig to create a social…

Dance Medicine: Collaborating for a Healthy Dance Sector
On February 1st and 2nd, 2025, the two-day Dance Medicine course took place at the Sports Medicine building in Bilthoven…

Show that your dance school is committed to social safety
As a dance school owner, you want your school to be a safe and respectful place for everyone. A place where inappropriat…

Pelle’s Story
In this interview series, we offer a glimpse behind the scenes of the dance world, where passion, ambitions, and challen…

Dansveilig.nl has been updated!
We are proud to announce that the website of Dansveilig.nl has received a complete redesign! In addition to a fresh new …

Introducing: Dansbelang
We are happy to introduce the affiliated (umbrella) organizations which Alliantie Dans Veilig works with to cr…

Introducing: European Dance Medicine Initiative
We would like to introduce to you the affiliated (umbrella) organizations or involved organizations that the A…

Livia’s Story
In an interview series, we offer a look behind the scenes of the dance world, where passion, ambitions and cha…

Alliantie Dans Veilig Knowledge Day
Alliantie Dans Veilig held a successful first Knowledge Day at the beautiful location of the Akoesticum in Ede – take a …

Introducing: Dutch Breaking League
Learn about breaking from the perspective of Jaïr Franken; a dedicated breaker, entrepreneur and general manag…

One year since the Shadow dancing report
how is the dance sector doing?
Amsterdam, May 21, 2024 –This week marks exactly one year since Verinorm published the "…

Michael’s Story
In our interview series, we offer an insider's perspective into the world of dance, where passion, ambition, and challen…

Recap Night Against Sexual Violence
On Saturday night, April 20-21, more than 500 participants braved the weather for the second edition of the Night Agains…

The story of Cis
In our interview series, we offer an insider's perspective into the world of dance, where passion, ambition, and challen…

NAPK is one of our new affiliated partners
The Nederlandse Associatie voor Podiumkunsten, NAPK for short, recently joined as a partner of the Dance Safe Alliance. …

The story of Viviane
In this interview series, we offer a look behind the scenes of the dance world, where passion, ambitions and challenges …

New guide against sexually transgressive behaviour pushes for culture change in the workplace
A new guide was recently published for organizations on how to arm against sexually transgressive behavior in the workpl…

Henny Jurriens Studio is one of our new affiliated partners
Evan Schwarz, Artistic Director, and Neeltje Holland, Business Director, run Henny Jurriëns Studio (HJS). This internati…

Transgressive behavior is not acceptable, it has no place in the dance sector.
Transgressive behavior is not acceptable, it has no place in the dance sector. Verinorm's investigatory report "Shadow D…

Six months after the ‘Shadow Dancing’ report
Six months after the report 'Shadow Dancing': what has happened since?After the publication of the report 'Shadow …

Questionnaire on transgressive behavior
Questionnaire on transgressive behavior in the dance sector
The goal of the Dance Safe Alliance is to bring the dance s…