Help and Advice

Have you experienced transgressive behavior, or are you a witness or defendant of inappropriate conduct such as bullying, discrimination, (sexual) harassment, or abuse? Speak up. Help is available. This page will guide you to the right confidential advisor and support organizations.

Urgent Help Needed?

Center for Sexual Violence

  • For anyone who has experienced sexual violence, online or offline

Victim Support Netherlands

  • Emotional support, practical help & legal advice

MIND Helpline

  • Psychological and psychosocial support


  • To report or file a complaint about (sexual) transgressive behavior or discrimination

Looking for Specific Support?

Have you experienced (or are you currently experiencing) transgressive behavior such as bullying, discrimination, (sexual) harassment, or abuse? Or have you witnessed something inappropriate? Speak out and report it, even if you’re unsure. For more information about advice, support, and confidential conversations, visit this page or refer to the infographic below that applies to you (Dutch):


What does a confidant do?

A confidential advisor can be an important first step in sharing your story and receiving help.

Confidential advisors provide:

  • A listening ear: You can share your story in complete confidentiality.
  • Advice and support: They help you with information about possible next steps and can assist you in taking action.
  • Confidentiality: Your question or report is never shared with others without your explicit consent.