
12 Steps to Ballet’s Cultural Recovery

12 Steps to Ballet’s Cultural Recovery

Digital Learning Hub

Leernetwerk en Trainingen

Stichting de Metsalrij

Over Grenzen

Marina Kaptijn

Safeguarding Courses

Imperial Society for Teachers of Dancing

Banter versus Bullying in Sport

Child Protection in Sport Unit

Understanding sexual offending and the grooming and entrapment process

Child Protection in Sport Unit

Loneliness and mental health in sport

Child Protection in Sport Unit

Child protection in sport and physical activity training

National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children

Keeping your child safe in sport

Child Protection in Sport Unit

Bystander Intervention

PAVE - Promoting Awareness Victim Empowerment

Survivor Support

PAVE - Promoting Awareness Victim Empowerment


PAVE - Promoting Awareness Victim Empowerment

Risk Assessment for Participatory Arts Practitioners Online Course and Assessment

People Dancing

Safer Community Dance Practice Online Course and Assessment

People Dancing

Opleidingen CVSN en ASK

Centrum Veilige Sport Nederlands

Webinars CVSN

Centrum Veilige Sport Nederlands

E-learnings CVSN

Centrum Veilige Sport Nederlands

Weet wat je waard bent


Workshop: Fair Practice Code


Ongewenste omgangsvormen aanpakken” (gevorderden / enige voorkennis)

Stichting Sociale Veiligheid Podiumkunsten

Ongewenste omgangsvormen aanpakken (beginners / weinig voorkennis)

Stichting Sociale Veiligheid Podiumkunsten

Omstander ongewenst gedrag

Stichting Sociale Veiligheid Podiumkunsten

Gespreksvoering over grenzen en veiligheid – voor leidinggevenden

Stichting Sociale Veiligheid Podiumkunsten

Sociale veiligheid en de rol als directeur

Stichting Sociale Veiligheid Podiumkunsten

Adviesgesprek bij onrust in de organisatie

Stichting Sociale Veiligheid Podiumkunsten

Leergang Toezicht in de Cultuursector

Cultuur + Ondernemen

Ongewenste Belangenverstrengeling: Hoe herken je het en hoe ga je ermee om?

Cultuur + Ondernemen

Supporting Stress Management, Well-being, and Flourishing Among Vocational Dancers

International Association of Dance Medicine and Science

Relative Energy Deficiency in Dance

International Association of Dance Medicine and Science

Disrupting Harm in Dance


Speaking Up

Ofen Co-Arts

Free safeguarding training: One Dance UK X High Speed Training

One Dance UK

Thrive as a dance freelancer: a basic success guide

One Dance UK

Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Access

National Dance Education Organization

Developing Strategic Leadership in Dance and Life

National Dance Education Organization

Creating Gender Inclusive Dance Spaces

National Dance Education Organization

Preparing to Dance – Online Course

Safe in Dance International

Preparation for Healthy Dance Certificate (PHDC)

Safe in Dance International

Healthy Dancer Certificate (HDC)

Safe in Dance International

Healthy Dance Practice Certificate (HDPC)

Safe in Dance International

Stresspreventie voor leidinggevenden


Omgaan met grensoverschrijdend gedrag


Herkennen psychosocialae vroegsignalen