Transgressive behavior is exhibited when a person harms another person physically, mentally or emotionally. This manifests itself, for example, in sexual harassment or even sexual abuse, bullying, discrimination or aggression. 

Transgressive behavior is often related to power. When two people have different positions of power, they are not equal. It is harder for the person with less power to set a boundary because that person is dependent on the person with more power. This is the case, for example, when a dance teacher makes sexual comments to a dancer. If the dancer makes it clear that they do not appreciate those comments, they, the dancer, put themselves at risk. 

It is important to know that transgressive behavior is never your fault and always wrong, even if it happened only once. 

Do you have to deal (or have you dealt) with transgressive behavior such as bullying, discrimination, (sexual) harassment or abuse? Or have you seen something happen that is not acceptable? Talk about it and report it. Even if you have doubts. For direct reports, support and confidential conversations, please contact:

MORES Foundation

Independent confidentiality advisors for dancers and members of the arts, culture, and dance education sectors.

Centrum Veilige Sport Nederland (CVSN)

Independent confidentiality advisors for everyone in the dance sport sector.