Candidates of the Follow-up Committee for Dance Announced: Public Reference Check Open


The Minister of Education, Culture and Science and the State Secretary of Health, Welfare and Sport have decided to set up two committees in response to the recommendations from the Shadow Dancing investigation (May 2023) on abuses in the dance sector. These are the Ethics Committee for Dance and the Follow-up Committee for Dance. In this press release we share more information about both committees and the (potential) members.  n. 


Dance Ethics Committee   

The Ethics Committee for Dance is established through the Order of Establishment and advises the Dance Safe Alliance and the Directors General (dg’s) on ethics and integrity in implementing the recommendations from the Shadow Dancing report. This includes advice on the participation of intended members in the Follow-up Committee, Steering and Expert Groups.  

The committee’s recommendations are not binding. If the Alliance or the DG’s deviate from them, they must provide written justification.  

Duties of the Committee:  

  1. Conduct interviews with intended members of the Follow-up Committee, Steering and Expert Groups on ethics and integrity prior to their participation. 
  2. Based on these interviews, advise on their appointment to the Minister (Follow-up Committee) and the Alliance (Steering and Expert Groups), respectively. 
  3. At the request of the DG’s, advise on ethics and integrity in the implementation of the recommendations from Shadow Dancing. The committee or other parties within the Alliance may ask the DG’s to submit a request for advice. The DG’s will respond within two weeks. 


Committee members: 

  • R.A. Korver (chairman) 
  • M. Hoogsteyns 
  • A.C.P. Houterman 
  • C.S.A. van Rozendaal 


Follow-up Committee  

The Follow-up Committee for Dance was established through this Order of Establishment and informs and advises the Directors General (dg’s) and the Dance Safe Alliance on the follow-up of the recommendations from the Shadow Dancing Report. The committee monitors the progress and quality of implementation. 

The committee monitors and advises on:  

  1. The planning process: Does it adequately address the recommendations?  
  2. Execution: Are the recommendations correctly and fully executed? 
  3. Implementation and assurance: Are the changes sustainably embedded?  
  4. Open and transparent communication: The committee encourages that the Alliance and the DG’s communicate clearly about progress and that information is publicly available (anonymized). Opinions and the committee’s practices are shared on the Alliance website. 


Committee members: 

The Ethics Committee for Dance has held discussions with several individuals willing to serve on the Follow-up Committee for Dance.  At this time, interviews with candidates for the Follow-up Committee have been completed. Members of the Follow-up Committee for Dance are:

  • Marc Merx, intended chairman  
  • Mirjam Decoz, intended member  
  • Jorien Feenstra, intended member  
  • Jeffrey Kuijs, intended member  
  • Miriam Reijnen, intended member   
  • Annemarie de Ruijter, intended member 

A public reference check of the candidates will take place before a final recommendation can be made on the appointment.   

On this page you will find how to respond to the public reference check.