Transgressive behavior is not acceptable, it has no place in the dance sector.

Amsterdam, January 30, 2024 – Today we are launching our campaign in which we call for a cultural change in the dance sector. This video, created in collaboration with dancers from various styles in our sector, is intended to spread recognition to anyone who has had to deal with transgressive behavior, abuse of power or unsafe situations on or off the dance floor. We would like to emphasize that such experiences should never have happened.

Transgressive behavior is not acceptable, it has no place in the dance sector. Verinorm’s investigatory report “Shadow Dancing” unveils a culture in the Dutch dance world which allows for people to exhibit transgressive behavior and abuse of power. The lasting impact of this behavior on our dancers is disturbing, it is high time for change.

Desiree, one of the dancers who participated in the video, emphasizes: “The time when we accept that this is part of it, is over. Together we are stronger and together we can make our beautiful sport stronger. I want the dance world to be safer. For the future, for my children and for all young dancers who will dance in the future. That’s why I’m participating.”


Create an open and safe environment

We are aware of the horrible events and the suffering that occurs. We stand for creating an open and safe environment for all dancers. The partners of the Dance Safe Alliance, want it to be known that any form of transgressive behavior resulting in an unsafe situation, occurring on or off the dance floor, should have never happened.

The Dance Safe Alliance consists of various organizations in the dance sector that want to initiate positive change. From our own backgrounds, we jointly contribute to one goal: a socially safe dance sector as the norm. Since the establishment of the Dance Safe Alliance, a structure has been set up in which the partners involved contribute from their own role and organization, and in which knowledge and experience, both within and outside the dance sector, are used. By setting up expert groups, we are taking concrete steps to follow up on the report and therefore towards a socially safe sector.


Spokesperson for Alliantie Dans Veilig, Nienke Eilander, explains: “We involve dancers from all parts of the sector. They support us in determining priorities, assessing actions and representing the most important perspective, namely that of the dancer. Together we want to highlight the beautiful side of dancing: at its core, dance creates connection, health and happiness.”


Do you deal (or have you dealt) with inappropriate behavior, such as bullying, discrimination, (sexual) harassment or abuse? Or have you witnessed something that is unacceptable? Talk about it and report it.


For direct reports, support, and confidential conversations, please contact:


MORES Foundation
Independent confidential counselors for dancers and those involved in art, culture and dance education.
Telephone: : 06-12 16 33 26

Center for Safe Sports Netherlands (CVSN)
Independent confidants for everyone within the dance sport.
Phone: 0900-2025590

For comprehensive information on social safety within the dance industry, visit or follow us on our social media channels.


Click on the following link for the video: